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Should you buy array technologies (Arry) stock?

The consensus among Wall Street equities research analysts is that investors should "moderate buy" ARRY shares. View ARRY analyst ratings or view top-rated stocks. What is Array Technologies' stock price target for 2024? 16 analysts have issued 12 month target prices for Array Technologies' shares.

What is array technologies?

Array Technologies is a company that manufactures solar tracker technologies. Its DuraTrack is a tracking system under the sun, and SmarTrack is a machine learning software that boosts energy production and revenues for solar sites.

What was the trading price of array Technologies Inc?

The trading price of Array Technologies Inc. (NASDAQ:ARRY) closed lower on Friday, December 23, closing at $20.49, -2.38% lower than its previous close. Traders who pay close attention to intraday price movement should know that it fluctuated between $20.45 and $21.50.

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